
The class resume.cls provides environments and commands to create a one page, two columns resume. It is based on the article class in LaTeX.

Included Packages

In addition to the defaults, the class provides:

  • graphicx to handle figures and pictures,

  • enumitem to control the spacing in enumeration environments,

  • fontawesome for symbols and icons,

  • booktabs for an improved tabular environment (with multicol and multirow support if needed),

  • xcolor for coloured text and output,

  • framed for shaded backgrounds,

  • mdframed for Tikz boxes,

  • bookmark for hyperref and metadata.

Fonts and Compiler

The class uses XeLaTeX to compile in order to have access to system fonts. By default it uses the DejaVu Sans family.


The following macros are defined for metadata and title:

  • \authorname for the author's first and middle name,

  • \authorsurname for the author's surname,

  • \skypename for the author's Skype username,

  • \skypeinvite for the author's Skype link,

  • \github for the author's GitHub link (username),

  • \linkedin for the author's LinkedIN profile (username),

  • \phone for the author's phone number,

  • \email for the author's e-mail link.


The following are the defined environments which can be used to typeset the resume. Ideally one could use two minipage environments, one including a sidebar and one including the main portion.

The environment cvmain represents the main portion of the resume with work experience, skills, etc.


The following are the commands which can be used to insert entries and descriptions:

The command \cvtitle creates the title section of the resume including generalities, contact information and social media links. It usually is the first command after \begin{document}.

Last updated

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