Full Article

The class fullarticle.cls can be used to typeset research papers or reports using the article class in LaTeX.

Included Packages

In addition to the defaults, fullarticle.cls includes commonly used packages:

  • geometry to customise margins,

  • graphicx to handle images and figures,

  • booktabs for better looking tables,

  • captionfor better captions,

  • xcolor for coloured text and output,

  • fancyhdr for fancy style paging,

  • authblk to automatically handle multiple authors and affiliations,

  • tocbibind to include the bilbliography in the table of contents (using nottoc option to avoid duplicating the Contents section in the table),

  • biblatex for bibliography support (with biber backend, none sorting, ieee style of citations, and 3 names at most before truncating with et al.),

  • bookmark to import hyperref and customise the metadata.



to complete the metadata setup.


Use \email{URL} to add an clickable URL to the \thanks field in the author(s) definition.

Last updated

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